書籍名: |
JEAN PROUVE ジャン・プルヴェ
著者名: |
Nils Peters |
発行所: |
判型: |
230×185 |
ページ: |
96 |
価格(税込): | ¥ 1,650 | 価格(税別): | ¥ 1,500 |
発行年月: |
2006.12 |
商品コード: |
Y2284878 |
品切 / 探求書申込扱いとなります。
洋書 |
テキスト英語 ジャン・プルヴェの代表作、約30点を収録したコンパクトな作品集。 ■作品 Entrance Portal Villa Reifenberg/Funiture for the Cite Universitaire in Nancy/Standard Chair/Aero Club Roland Carros/Maison du Peuple/Classroom Table with Two Chairs/Garden Funiture for the U.A.M.Pavilion/Demountable Barrack Units/Maison a Portiques/Meridian Hall/Gueridon Table/Standard Houses.Houses for the Tropics/School in Vantoux/Grand Palais of the Lille Fairgrounds/Shed Roofs for the Mame Printing Works/Maisons Coques/Lecture Hall Chair/Compas Table System/Prouve Residence/Facade of the centennial of Aluminium/Antony Chair/House for Abbe Pierre/Cachat Pump-Room in Evian/Temporary School Building in Villejuif/Seynave Vacation House/Gauthier House/Youth Center in Ermont/Tour Nobel/Grid Frame Constructions