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書籍名: Perspecta 13/14
発行所: Yale University School of Architecture
判型: A4 ページ: 372
価格 :在庫なしのため未定
発行年月: 1971.01 商品コード: K2016045
品切 / 探求書申込扱いとなります。

洋書  高額古書  
■13号 Paladise Lost
・Robert Combs
Norman Bel Geddes:Highways and Horizons
・Judy Wolin
Multi Media Machine-Building
・Peter D Eisenman
From Object to Relationship II
Casa Giuliani Frigerio/Casa Del Fascio
・Joseph Rykwert
Eileen Gray : Two Houses and an Interior
・Judith Applegate
Paul Nelson : an interview
・Robert Vickery
Bijvoe and Duiker
・Arthur Korn Maxwell Fry and Dennis Sharp
The MARS Plan for London
・Mike Heron
Have Mercy I Cry City
・Dennis Sharp
Park Meerwijk
・Neil Aptaker
Hoover Limted/The Burlington Zephyr
・Thomas Doremus
Picture a Penthouse Way up in the Sky
・Edward Ruscha
A Germ-Free Condition

■14号 Utopia and Anti-Utopia
・Jacques Ehrmann
Live in Utopia? Habiter L'Utopia?
・Peter Wolf
City Structuring and Social Sense in 19th and 20th Century Urbanism
・Anthony Vidler
The New Industrial World
・Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown
Some Houses of III-Repute
・Manfredi G Nicoletti
The End of Utopia
・Paolo Soleri
Utopia and/or Revolution
・Colin Rowe and Robert Slutzky
Transparency:Literal and Phenomenal Part2
・Heinrich Klutz
Bertrand Goldberg
Valley Curtain Project for Colorado
・Bruce Goff
A Young Architects Protest for Architecture
・Emilio Ambasz
The Univrsity of Design and Development
Manhattan Capital of the Twentieth Century
The Designs of Freedom
・Melvin and Diana Johnson
The Anasazi Great House

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